Thursday, March 10, 2011

Undercover Blessings

My daughter woke up with a fever this morning, which means texts to the teachers I work with, a call to the assistant principal letting her know I won't be there to proctor the tests, a call to the school attendance line, a call to a co-worker to see if she can cover for recess,  a call to my carpool partner, and an email to her teacher.  It also means I don't get to go to a friends house tonight and our plans for tomorrow may be affected as well.  It means my daughter has to make up a test she will miss today and we will spend part of our weekend doing homework so she does not get behind.

Well, that's one way to look at it.  But dare I say, this is an undercover blessing.

Those calls are made, done.  Things are covered, or will be covered.  My daughter is not miserable.  And I'll deal with tomorrow, tomorrow.

The way I have chosen to look at this is as a blessing.  I have declared today "Jammie Day!"  We will hang out in our PJ's, read, watch TV and movies.  I will get some laundry done, clean a bit, spend time with my sweet girl.  We will take a nap (a lovely luxury!) and maybe even do mani-pedi's.  This is just a forced day off and maybe we both need it.

I am not a "Pollyanna" or an eternal optimist, but I do try to see the glass half full and look for the silver lining.  Things are just more fun that way! 

Today, as you encounter the bumps in the road or even road blocks, look for the blessing that just may be working undercover. 

1 comment:

  1. So you're home - no excuses not to call me then. :o)
